

Lis 21 2013

Letectvo USA vyneslo na oběžnou dráhu 29 satelitů najednou/U.S. Air Force brought in orbit 29 satellites at one time

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Start of Minotaur I (ispace.com)

Start of Minotaur I (space.com)

On 19th of November 2013 at 14:15 am had the rocket Minotaur I with 29 satellites on board took off from spaceport in Virginia. This flight was named ORS -3 (Operationally Responsive Space -3). Rockets Minotaur I, Minotaur V and Antares ( Cygnus ) belongs to the family of Orbital Scientific Corporation and all of them have launched from the spaceport at Wallops Island, Virginia.

Millions of people in New York, Washington and even in Toronto, Canada could seen incredible spectacle, right after the launch.

Rocket had bring the satellites to a height of 500 km (800 miles), with an inclination of 40.5 ° to the equator.

On board were 13 satellites of CubeSat Launch Initiative program run by NASA. Apart from these satellites, there were also a few of satellites of Phonesat 2 program. In addition, there was also the first probe designed by college students called TJ3Sat. Perhaps the most important satellite, which yesterday (20.11.2013) got into orbit, is the STPS -3, which carries five experiments to measure the space environment. Its price is $ 55 million.

The whole mission was conducted by military operational space agency.

However, this record won’t last long, because on Thursday morning will start Dnepr rocket with 33 satellites on board .

List of satellites:

STPSat 3, ORSES, ORS Tech 1, ORS Tech 2, SENSE 1, SENSE 2, Ho ` Oponopono 2, Firefly, STARE B ( Horus ), Prometheus 1A, Prometheus 1B, Prometheus 2A, Prometheus 2B, Prometheus 3A, Prometheus 3B, Prometheus 4A, Prometheus 4B, Black Knight 1, NPS- SCAT, COPPER , ChargerSat 1, TJ3Sat, Trailblazer 1, Vermont Lunar Cubes, SwampSat, CAPE 2 DragonSat 1, KySat 2, PhoneSat v2.4.

TJ3Sat (parabolic.com) Phonesat 2 (scitechdaily.com) STPSat-3 (space.skyrocket.de)


nasa.gov, space.com

O autorovi

Tomáš Mígl

Permanent link to this article: https://exospace.cz/letectvo-usa-vyneslo-na-obeznou-drahu-29-satelitu-najednou/

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